Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Types of Runs

Some people, like Siku here, always seem to have consistently Good Runs. I'm not like that. Here's a small sample of the variety of runs that are in fact possible...

Kill You or Cure You Run - Feeling run down and zombie-like, and figure a brisk run will either push you over the edge to being sick, or magically make everything better.

Let's Snot and Just Say We Did Run - Those cold days when your nose is running harder than your legs.

Paranoia Run - Coming back from injury and worried the whole time that you'll aggravate it and make things worse.

Hurts So Good Run - The whole point - whether it be hills, tempos, intervals - is to get out of the comfort zone.

Bad Eats Run - Running too soon after a big meal or junk food. Significantly worse if the run is a workout. Could lead to the dreaded...

Runs Run - Dash to the bushes required.

Why Did I Bother Run - The rare run when you probably shouldn't have, for whatever reason. Usually end up wondering why you suck so bad instead of learning from it.

Fueled by Anger Run - Not typically a very long run as it starts out at a rage-infused, unsustainable pace before tapering down to a crawl when you calm down.

Puff and Pound Run - Up and down a mountain. No warmup possible, just up and up, puffing the whole way, followed by a quad-pounding descent.

Kill Me Now Run - Treadmill. 'Nuff said.

Not Even a Run - Crosstraining.

Calorie Run - Any run long enough to eat more than two gels.

Bonk Run - Shoulda brought more calories!

Sauna Run - Way too many layers.

Stripper Run - Ditching several layers mid-run. Sometimes right to the downright scanty. (You know who you are.)

Off the Map Run - Getting lost. Or going off-course during a race.

Knobby Tire Run - In serious mud and thankful for well-tractioned trail shoes to keep you on your feet. (Love my Crosslites!)

Zen Run - One-with-the-Universe bliss achieved on those days when everything feels good. Zen Plus if it's in the woods. Zen Minus if it's during a race (sorry, I'm just jealous). Aka Siku Run.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

More is more and less is less, but sometimes less is more effective

A long-recurring problem I've had with my training is that I think of my weeks as 'Mon - Sun' and try to cram in as much as I can handle, which leaves me in a position where my Sunday long runs get any scraps of energy I might have left over. Then I get frustrated when my long runs don't go very well and question how I can ever run ultras if I can't even do long runs!

So, over the past two weeks I've been following a plan that Derrick has set up for me. Right now, coming off injury and trying to regain fitness, I'm finding it very helpful to have these guidelines to hold me back earlier in the week and save something for Sunday. I think there is a place for my usual approach of trying to max out mileage every day, but I'm just not ready for that yet.

And really, seeing how well I seem to be feeling, I'm re-thinking my old strategy and might try to see how taking a day off a week works for me. (I do normally take days off on a 'as needed' basis, but sometimes by then it's too late to do as much good.)
It's hard to make the switch though. Now that I'm starting to feel a bit fitter, the thought of my zero day today is bugging me. I would really prefer to run a million miles. Okay, I'd be happy with four or five miles today. BUT....maybe I'll feel decent on my long run this Sunday, which would be kind of great.
I'm going to put my feet up and give it a try.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

For Sale: One Square Wheel (Cheap!)

On second thought, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

The last two weeks I have made a lot of progress with my injury rehab. I have increased mileage, and finally found myself in the position where it was my fitness holding me back more than my hamstring. To help me get through that, I asked Derrick to make me a training plan for the next few weeks. Not only do I trust him because he totally knows what he's talking about, but it's also a mental relief from obsessing about it. It was honestly a bit hard for me to give up control over my training, but now I'm loving it and have been following his plan to the minute.

One of the most surprising things was that once my hamstring really started to heal, it felt really strange and awkward to run as my left leg adjusted to being able to function again. For so long it felt like it was dragging behind me, like I had "one square wheel" as they say. Not good, but that eventually became my "normal". No wonder my hips were so messed up. Now that I'm getting more accustomed to using both legs equally again, I'm feeling much smoother.

I hope that someday soon I'll have something interesting to talk about instead of my hammie! I'm looking forward to getting back to some rolling single-track soon. Hopefully in a few weeks!

Love this classic: